Open Access Policy

The Avicenna Journal of Health Science (AJHS) is fully open access journal, which means that all articles are available on the internet to all users immediately upon publication, without requiring a subscription to the journal as well as without any charges. The journal is online first which allows authors, within a set deadline, to revise their posted article before printing. All the articles undergo double-blind and editorial peer-review and quality control. All the articles must be submitted through Open Journal System (OJS) and each of the authors or the main author is required to create their login at OJS of the AJHS website.

Open Access Licensing: Avicenna Journal of Health Sciences (AJHS) operates under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). Authors are granted the right to make their articles publicly available, in compliance with this license, without any embargo period. There is no requirement for users to register to read content online. Authors published under the CC BY-4.0 license may share and distribute their articles on non-commercial websites and repositories, ensuring proper attribution to AJHS as the original source.